Allison and I have, with tons of help from her sister, Elizabeth, successfully mailed most of our wedding invitations. The dress stuff and tuxedo stuff is all figured out, and now we're to the particulars of the ceremony and reception. She's making me pick out the music, which baffles me slightly, but whatever. I'm happy to take some of the planning burdens, but I'm much too lazy to try to be original with my choices. During the reception, we'll play more music, which will be easier to choose (Pixies - La La Love You, Figurine - So Futuristic, etc.), but there's two ways to go with the music for the ceremony.
We could be traditional and just get through the ceremony pretty rapidly (most likely) or we can try to be original and have people either weirded-out or confused (unlikely because of the pressure to be awesome or at least interesting). So! I've twitted in attempts to borrow wedding music cds from people, with limited results. I couldn't find a collected download anywhere, either, so I suppose I'll end up going to Target or Best Buy to buy some. Blah.
There's a few really cool things about the wedding. My friend MattSmith is coming to be a groomsman from Korea, and that's really awesome. Also, Jeffrey has agreed not only to be a groomsman, but he has given me a FIVE smile guarantee for pictures. I'm quite excited about that. Elizabeth has been working on a photo montage of Allison and me, and she made me choose the music for that too (Suburban Kids with Biblical Names - Marry Me). That should be really cool, and I hope she uses some of the entertaining pictures of me that Adam let me borrow (the old d&d gang playing D20 Modern, a fps-style picture of Adam choking me, etc.). One common denominator for pictures of me, it seems, is either a big cheesy grin or a goofy face. Also, I'm excited about my groom's cake. For my brother's wedding they had a cheesecake of some kind (something with extra stuff like chocolate or coffee flavor or some such [I think cheesecake is best when it's just the cheesecake and no fruit or whatever]), but I'm slightly convinced that his wife was behind that decision more than he. Regardless, I've thought about my cake alot, and have decided upon an X-Men themed cake.

It'll likely be the Xavier Institute logo (the round one) on a rectangular cake with some figures stuck in the cake. Awesome. I can't decide if I want to use figures I don't care about (worthless X-Men figures from the Hall of Fame [frozen in place] toy set) or superhero squad guys with people like X-23, Beast, Magneto, etc. Either way, I'm very excited. One reason to do the former option would be that I wouldn't have to be terribly concerned about guests stealing them. Here's a picture of it. The idea was neat, sure. A twenty or thirty dollar set of the more popular figures that were, by the release of this set, older and more difficult to find. There's a key problem to the child who wants the set, however. There figures hve been glued or somehow frozen into their positions and are plastically attached to the display. Sure, it's neat to look at, but kids want to PLAY! So in an effort to make them semi-playworthy, I cut each figure from the case under their feet, but their arms/legs/heads/etc won't budge! Sauron's mouth opens and closes, and the professor's arm will move up and down, but that's about it! I guess the concept is interesting enough, but no child will look at that and think anything other than, "I want to play with those figures." There's no warning on the box that it's for display only, either. Or maybe I just don't remember one.
Either way, I'm excited about my cake. The wedding should be really stressful, but I cannot wait to be married to that beautiful woman. I've even gotten her into comics! Huzzah!
yay for friends! especially blogging ones! and for wedding planning!
ReplyDeleteno comment about the x-men cake, though...
I Love You! OODLES!!!! (I think the x-men cake will be awesome!)