Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter get-together

Tonight I had several friends over to hang out and eat dinner for Easter. A few interesting thoughts:

A) My apartment is too small/crowded for big gatherings at the moment.. maybe it will be better when my roommate moves out and I'm happily married
B) My roommate is unknowingly odd and rude. How hard would it be to at least walk out of his room and say "Hi" to our guests? This is not the first time, either. Why can't I have roommates like in Scott Pilgrim?

I'll post more later, spilled water on laptop and it's being odd.. I am unable to use the letter between x and v, so I'm having to work around using it with different words. it's pretty entertaining, sort of. Going to turn my laptop all the way off to let it dry off and hopefully fix itself.

shift+e won't work either.. WeIRD.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that your kEyboard is acting up but I apprEciate you kEEping yoursElf EntErtained by it (yay for silvEr linings!).

    And your placE is awEsomE, no worriEs.

    And no, I cannot take you out on the battlEfiEld. VoluntEErs can't go out thErE, and EvEn I havE not bEEn out to sEE the ExtEnt of thE damagE. It's vEry dangErous! (you can borrow the capital "E" as you see fit...). (:
