Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dungeons and Dragons

So! Allison and I are visiting my parents in order to manage some wedding business, and we scheduled a very important event for our first night in town! As no one wants to DM (almost ever) I ended up running the game, but that's sort-of fun too. Here's the party make-up:

Alli - Bowsey the Elf Ranger
Allen - Avdron the Dwarf Fighter
Spike - Oberlectrisk the Dragonborn Warlord
Tim - Thraak the Dragonborn Barbarian
Jenna - Kyllakin the Elladrin (?) Wizard
Ian - Rellyk the Half-Elf Warlock

Pretty decent party make-up, really. I've been running one of the WotC pre-made adventures (because I am a Dungeon Master by necessity rather than choice) and it's pretty fun and easy. Fourth edition's style of listing monsters with all of their attacks with the bonus of each makes pre-made adventures especially helpful.

We only get to play when I visit for a few days (mom always gets grumpy if I come and don't spend much time with the family, so one night must be "family night," [or Settlers of Catan / Ticket to Ride night] that's tonight this time). There are two main issues with gaming in town. First, at the beginning I have to remind everyone what they have done and are trying to do for the mission (here, they're in catycombs that have been inhabited by hobgoblin forces to secure a town's buried relics and captured prisoners). Second, and this has always been a major issue with gaming groups here, people talk too much and pay too little attention! It's not that bad, but I continually have to say, "OBERLECTRISK, GO!" or "Your turn, RELLYK!" etc. (it makes me feel a bit like a pokemon trainer in battle!). I guess it just makes sense that everyone wants to talk to everyone else about their personal preferences about geeky stuff (examples: Spike - Mother 3, Ian - Warhammer Online, Allen - randomy neat geeky stuff he can do with his iPod touch). Oh well. Also, this was Alli's third game and she did better than ever. I was not only really impressed with her, but I was also super in love with her. Boo-ya.

Ian has said officially that he'll DM after the adventure is over. I am going to play either a rogue (Striker) or a Bard (leader). Whoop!


  1. I am going to pretend that I don't have any snarky comments in response, but I am loaded. And that's all I will say.

  2. When will you blog about China King? Spider symbiosis? Dead Grandmas, Buttercream Gang, or Tim the country Besso's man?
