Speaking of such, I recently got the 2-pack with (Jim Lee) Bishop and (Jim Lee mask-less) Wolverine.

I can justify them more because the figures are cheaper and I could actually foresee letting a kid play with them. It's interesting that they're making so many figures with the Jim Lee (late 1980s, early 1990s) costumes. Perhaps Marvel and Hasbro are hoping to corner people like me who latched onto the X-Men during that time, but who knows? If I had a podcast about this kind of thing, I'd try to get a representative on there to interview about their decisions.
Either way, I know one thing for certain. The chances of me getting more Jubilee toys will be drastically increased when she comes back to the X-Men in Nation X #2 (Jan. 2010)!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I loved her short-lived miniseries, and her time in the New Warriors demonstrated her leadership abilities. Hopefully she'll join the lineup of one of the main X titles, but I think the best fit for her would be in X-Men Legacy. If the Carey plans to follow Rogue helping mutants, Jubes would totally work well with her experience both as a leader and an ex-mutant support volunteer (Generation M #2).
Oh and one more thing about toys and such, I heard that Jan. 2010 will mark the arrival of Lego Harry Potter (years 1-4) to the Lego video game series, which I have enjoyed greatly.
you need some kids.