Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the desparate search in a desperate time

So I've been applying to all sorts of jobs around town here. I feel like a horrible partner to my new wife, who is working hard to provide for us. She's very, very understanding, but I still feel a bit bad for my lack of income. At least the money gifts we received for our wedding will help cushion us until someone hires me. I started looking for "real" jobs (i.e. skilled work for ppl with education), but as that led nowhere, I focused on dead-end retail sales and assistant management positions. Today, my friend Kristen advised me to try banks, so I've been applying to them for the last few hours. I don't have bank experience, but I like math, can count back monies, and have maintained cash drawers at many jobs.

Only Best Buy has called me, but they want me for a seasonal (summer) job from July to August. I wouldn't mind that, but after the conversation with whomever I spoke, she told me she'd pass my application on to the next stage. The only calls for jobs that I have received previously were requesting interviews. The call from Best Buy was just a conversation asking for information on work experience, which I had already outlined in my application. Hopefully, I'll get some job soon. I'm pretty confident that I can charm my way into a job as long as I get an interview.

My apologies for the scatter-brained-ness of this post. My syntax was far too conversational and sloppy. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. "No, sir, I have no experience but I'm a big fan of money. I like it, I use it, I have a little. I keep it in a jar on top of my refrigerator. I'd like to put more in that jar. That's where you come in."
