Thursday, May 14, 2009

Of roommates, music, plans, and jealousy

Karel is moving out this weekend, lordwilling, and we signed the roommate release forms yesterday. With him packing and me starting to move Alli's stuff here, the apartment is pretty much a wreck. He gave me a talk about how he felt like we had been treating him rudely, wherein he complained about silly unimportant things and things that happened over six months ago. I just apologized and have continued to be positive and friendly--he's moving out so soon that there's no reason to stir up or develop any more agression or enmity. I'm a little worried about his friend buying me a new headset (he stepped on my brand new one) since Karel's moving out, but I'm pretty sure the guy will come through.

I've recently been wanting more new music, and a lovely conversation with Justin has led to several downloads. This year's new albums include two I already had; Animal Collective's Meriwether Post Pavilion was great, but the Decemberists' Hazards of Love has yet to woo me. Fortunately, my good friend has informed me about new albums by Akron Family, Immaculate Machine, Metric, and several other bands. So I downloaded the new Camera Obscura, the Akron, and the Metric albums, but I have yet to find the Immaculate Machine album. I'll track down the other bands (the Thermals, the 1990s, etc.) after I've given these a listen. I'm listening to Akron Family's Set 'Em Wild, Set 'Em Free as I type--very good so far.

I've been sort-of busy with misc. wedding stuff. Making honeymoon confirmations, moving her stuff over here, and cleaning my stuff so moving will be less painful for everyone--that's how I've spent my last week. Yesterday her best friend got into town, but I'll get back to that. Friday her mom comes into town, and she's bringing us furniture! Her parents are moving overseas soon, and they're giving us their couch, chair with ottoman, and some bookshelves. She's also bringing us our bed from Ikea, all of which are awesome (she, the bed, and Ikea). That means that I'll be able to sleep on our queen-sized pillowtop bed for the next weeks. I've been sleeping on a creaky and ancient twin bed since I moved here in 2006, and it will be nice to roll around a bit more. Also, in that vein, I'm trying to train myself to only use one pillow to sleep. It's weird, and I don't like it, but we were given two feather pillows at one of our showers, and I find that using two is perfect, just like normal pillows, but better. But I feel like I'm being unnecessary and that I should wean myself down to one. Anyway, the next few weeks are going to be busy, and they will probably involve stress and some petty fighting.

As these weeks begin to become more and more stressful and busy, Allison will soon be off work and free to do more for the preparations. Also, her best friend Reena is in town to hang out and help. I met her very briefly last night, but already I get weird vibes--not from her, but from Allison. She acts quite differently around her friend, and that included hugging me and pecking me goodnight, which was weird and a bit lame. I feel vaguely like this is a friend from the past who makes her revert to some past self. Also, in some bizarre development, she reminds me of a girl I used to know here who makes me feel weird and awkward that moved away. So in knee-jerk reaction to my beloved's best friend, I feel awkward and annoyed. She seems nice, but the initial weirdness of similarity makes me want to avoid her, but then there's also resentment that I'll probably only get to see Allison with her around, too. We probably won't have any "just us" hangout time till the honeymoon, or at least it will be minimal. At this point I kind of wish I had caved to her and let us elope to avoid this headache. So now I'm bored at home without much to do, and I just want to go help Alli with whatever she might need, but she no doubt wants to spend time with her best friend she hasn't seen in a year, which is totally understandable. She told me yesterday that she doesn't want me to leave town so I can be her moral support, but I'm not even sure how much I'll get to see her with all these people coming to visit her. Maybe I'll just run to visit home or a friend this weekend or next week. I know I'm being a good bit petty and jealous, but I just want the headache of wedding prep to be done and for us to start the happily (and sometimes grumpily) ever after.

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